The Zoo That Rocked

Foxes foxtrotted

Flamingoes fandangoed

Raccoons did the robot

Tarantulas tangoed

Porpoises pogoed

Tortoises tried the twist

Seahorses salsaing

Such a sight not to be missed

Camels can-canned

Hippos hip-hopped

The residents were raving

In The Zoo That Rocked

Terrapins tried tap

Jellyfish jived to jazz

Rhinoceroses rumbaed

With a certain razzamatazz

Quails and quetzals quickstepped

Badgers boogalooed

Walruses waltzed

Bats attempted ballet too

Lambs did lambada

Moved, grooved and never stopped

All animals were animated

In The Zoo That Rocked

Salamanders sambaed

Conger eels chose the conga

Cheetahs cha-cha-chaed

Till they couldn't any longer

Jackdaws jitterbugged

Snakes selected swing

Brown bears thought that ballroom

Was just their kinda thing

Meerkats moonwalked

Baboons body popped

Every creature danced, danced, danced

In The Zoo That Rocked