Spelling Test
1. F-I-Z-Z
2. S-O-U-P
3. I-T-C-H
4. L-A-M-B
5. P-R-E-Y
6. L-U-R-K
7. J-A-I-L
8. F-L-E-A
9. B-L-E-R
10. L-I-O-N
One incorrect
Nine out of ten
1. F-I-Z-Z
2. S-O-U-P
3. I-T-C-H
4. L-A-M-B
5. P-R-E-Y
6. L-U-R-K
7. J-A-I-L
8. F-L-E-A
9. B-L-E-R
10. L-I-O-N
One incorrect
Nine out of ten