I'm not scared of..
Creepy hairy caterpillars
Chest-beating escaped gorillas
Telling people I've been crying
Or my uncle David dying
Mister Rankle (shouty teacher)
'Zombie Doomsday' (horror feature)
I'm not scared of...
Prickly, spiky falling conkers
Towering trees like massive monsters
Bonfire nights' exploding rockets
Finding squashed slugs in my pockets
Skating on the ice in winter
Digging out a wooden splinter
I'm not scared of...
Starting school on Monday morning
Thunder with no lightning warning
Heights of mountains, depths of valleys
Walking down deserted alleys
Bothersome big boils and blisters
Cinderella's ugly sisters
But I am scared of...
When I can no longer pretend
And must admit that I'm scared
To all my family and friends