Nan’s Biscuit Lesson

I LOVED baking biscuits with Nan

So many styles and sorts of biscuits!

Long, short, fat, thin, round, rectangular, square - even triangular ones!

Some topped with chopped nuts, icing patterns or rainbow sprinkles

Some smothered in smooth white, milk or - my FAVOURITE - dark chocolate

Some containing crinkly raisins, super-sweet jam or yummyscrummy buttercream filling

But every type of biscuit she created was TOTALLY DELICIOUS

And although each was very different from the next

They all had the same three basic ingredients

Flour, butter, sugar

I thought that was AMAZING

I always laughed when Nan used to say that her biscuits were just like people

How could a biscuit be like a person?

Now, I’m a bit older and wiser

I finally understand what she meant by that