I am a Legomaniac
I stack and stack and stack and stack
High into the sky and back
I am a Legomaniac
Houses, castles, mansions, towers
Fun, fun, fun for hours and hours
Red bricks, green bricks, white bricks, blue bricks
I can't wait to purchase new bricks
Making cars, boats, trucks and trains
Spaceships, motorbikes and planes
I'm a sucker for construction
Without Lego I can't function
I am a Legomaniac
Click it, fix it, get the knack
High into the sky and back
I am a Legomaniac
Piles of tiles fill the toy box
Vacuum cleaner, bed and my socks
Round ones, square ones, some shaped triangular
Roof bricks, wheel bricks, bases rectangular
In summertime I go away
To Legoland for holiday
Don't want an Xbox
Don't want a football
Don't want a TV
They're so uncool
Don't want a bike
Don't want a Playstation
What do I want for recreation?
I am a Legomaniac
Have to have the latest pack
High into the sky and back
I am a Legomaniac
Those building blocks that need no glue
Please buy them for my birthday too
I don't tire or get bored with it
Give me more and more and more of it
Jungle, airport, town and zoo sets
Pirate, Star Wars, what will you get?
I am a Legomaniac
I stack and stack and stack and stack
High into the sky and back
I am a Legomaniac