When Dad Turns into the Incredible Hulk

He rips his jeans

His shirt and vest

Lets out a ROOOOAAAAR!

Then beats his chest

My sister shrieks, my mother sulks

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk

Displaying strength

That's quite obscene

White skin transforms

To emerald green

If angered there's just one result

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk

Feet stomp and stamp

Legs leap and bound

Tall buildings fall

From all around

His muscles bulge, his body bulks

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk

The neighbours hide

Shops have to close

Gales gust and woosh

Tornadoes blow

Our road is full of frightened folk

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk

He'll kick and punch

Smash, thrash and hit

My bedroom's broken

Left in bits

It rarely is a good result

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk

His fuse is lit

His temper's gone

A sonic boom

An atom bomb

We wish he was a normal bloke

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk

Why does he rage?

Nobody's sure

The doctors say

“There is no cure!”

Call 999 'cause it's no joke

When Dad turns into the Incredible Hulk