Tattooed Trevor
Trevor loves tattoos
He cannot get enough
He isn’t interested
In any other stuff
He first tattooed his hands
His navel, knees, his neck
His belly, calves and thighs
His eyelids were done next
He got one on his brow
And one on every toe
Was tattooed on his nose
He got one on his tongue
One covering his face
Then had one done in secret
In quite a private place
He got twelve on his chest
On both cheeks of his bum
And right across his back
He got one of his mum
His armpits were tattooed
He got one on his hat
One on his pet goldfish
And on his neighbour's cat
His earholes and elbows
Feet, fingers, lips and chin
When outside was completed
He got tattoos within
His liver, larynx, lungs
Appendix, kidneys, spleen
Brain, pancreas and heart
And areas between
So when you see Trevor
Do stop and take a look
Put down your favourite novel
And read him like a book