If I Was a Knight in Armour

If I was a knight in armour

Dragon slayer

Maiden charmer

Quests! Adventures! Magic! Drama!

If I was a knight in armour

Living in the Middle Ages

Banquets! Jesters!

Squires! Pages!

Getting dressed would be in stages

If I was a knight in armour

Wield a sword – my chosen weapon

Hold a shield

(Added protection)

Highly skilled at genuflection

If I was a knight in armour

Medieval castle dweller


A gentle fella

Stay rust-free with an umbrella

If I was a knight in armour

Win all jousting competitions

Serve my king

On valiant missions

No time to watch television

If I was a knight in armour

If I was a knight in armour

Dragon slayer

Maiden charmer

Quests! Adventures! Magic! Drama!

If I was a knight in armour