
What’s my tipple
My habit
My obsession
My addiction
My `poison’
My weakness
My passion
My affliction
My non-narcotic remedy
A tannic acid fix for me?
It’s got to be
A cup of tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea
The 20th letter of the alphabet
I like it warm
I like it wet
Although it makes my body sweat
And my bladder pee
(That’s the 16th letter incidentally)
I wanna soak my throat in a moat of
Tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea
Assam, Russian Caravan, Lapsang Souchong
Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Camomile, Ceylon
I’m even compelled to lick my lips
For Typhoo, Tetley and PG Tips
My favourite bush
My favourite leaf
It sees me through my pain and grief
Although my dentist says it discolours my teeth
When the kettle boils at three
It’s time for tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea
When my nerves are on the edge
When I’m gonna jump from that window ledge
I don’t want a downer or an upper
But my chosen beverage
A good old fashioned cuppa
It’s soothing, relaxing
Calming, untaxing
What liquid’s got me lyrically waxing
And writing poetry?
Tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea
`T’ for tranquillity
Tea in company
Tea for two - you and me
Tea takes the stress out of when we break up
Tea is the best brew for when we make up
The world would be a more peaceful place
If tea was consumed by the whole human race
Where you gonna dunk your digestive or Garibaldi?
In your tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea
So come back to mine for some you know what
Something you love that’s steamy and hot
We don’t have to share a bed
When we can share a pot instead
As we sidestep current thinking
With the drink that we’ll be drinking
Boycott the coffee revolution
For this ingenious infusion
You’d have to be a bit odd
To say that honey was the Nectar of the Gods?
When it’s tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea
Cup of cha
Rosy Lee
Tea, tea, tea, tea, tea