Failed Kamikaze

I'm a failed kamikaze pilot
Due to get the sack
Flying off to missions
Then forever coming back
Always had an awful aim
Wide of targets with my plane

I'm a failed kamikaze pilot
Spot me from your ship
There's no need to panic
As you probably won't be hit
No surprise I'm still alive
Flopped since 1945

I'm a failed kamikaze pilot
Your friendly enemy
Trying hard to bash your boat
I crash into the sea
Playing golf I miss the hole
Never scored a soccer goal

I'm a failed kamikaze pilot
Sadly dodging death
I may strike the bullseye soon
But do not hold your breath
All my mates die in attacks
Seems I've not acquired that knack

I'm a failed kamikaze pilot
Killing's not my thing
Guess I'm not a kind of guy
Who's merciless and mean
If you want to win your war
Please don't call me anymore

I'm a failed kamikaze pilot
Due to get the sack
Flying off to missions
And still I'm coming back