I Found the Loch Ness Monster

I Found the Loch Ness Monster

I found the Loch Ness Monster
Splishing, splashing in my bath
With a Scottish accent
Woolly hat and tartan scarf
Left his chilly Highland home
Swam to London on his own

I found the Loch Ness Monster
I felt shocked, amazed and thrilled
First he stretched then craned his neck
And greeted me "Hi Neal!"
There could be no room for doubt
Nessie nestled in my house

I found the Loch Ness Monster
He gave me a massive fright
Wasn't sure if he was friendly
Or if he would bite
Never met his kind before
Cousin to a dinosaur?

I found the Loch Ness Monster
Born in prehistoric times
Flappy fins, four longish limbs
And spikes right down his spine
He said "I'll not eat a horse
"Feed me haggis with brown sauce"

I found the Loch Ness Monster
So I took him into school
Children wanted photographs
Then cried "He's really cool!"
Teacher shouted "Goodness sake!
"He's that creature from the lake!"

Though this poem's ending here I think you get the gist
The Loch Ness Monster's not a myth - he definitely exists!