Dave's Dad's Eating Dog Food for Dinner

Dave's dad's eating dog food for dinner
Dave's dad's eating dog food for tea
He tells us “Don't waste it
“It's yummy and tasty
“And every dog I know agrees”

Dave's dad's eating dog food in restaurants
Dave's dad's eating dog food in pubs
Wherever the venue
Whatever the menu
He only has one choice of grub

Dave's dad's eating dog food with custard
Dave's dad's eating dog food on toast
When he has this craving
He might pinch the gravy
You're wanting to pour on your roast

Dave's dad's eating dog food with ketchup
Dave's dad's eating dog food with cream
The doctor's remarking
“He's certainly barking
“And now seeing dog food in dreams!”

Dave's dad's eating dog food for supper
Dave's dad's eating dog food for snacks  
The dog, starving hungry
Who last ate on Sunday
Is licking his lips at the cat

Dave's dad's eating dog food for breakfast
Dave's dad's eating dog food for lunch
He says “Keep your meat pies
“Fruit, salad and French fries
“'Cause dog food's the pick of the bunch!”