An Alien Lives at Number 42

A most unusual creature dwells next door
Put your ear to my wall you can hear him snore
Made of plastic
And elastic
His favourite meal is monster stew
There's an alien who lives at number 42

He has a giant TV aerial growing from his head
"Greetings Earth man" was the first thing he said
He's podgy
And splodgy
Wears a size 16 shoe
There's an alien who lives at number 42

He really is quite a friendly Martian chap
Who does't want to conquer us or anything like that
He's rubbery
And blubbery
I pinch myself but know it's true
There's an alien who lives at number 42

You can see his flying saucer parked outside
Give him three jelly babies he'll take you for a ride
He's spongy 
And grungy
I don't know his name - do you?
There's an alien who lives at number 42

He bought a one-way ticket from outer-space
So he could reside with the human race
He's kind of tall
But kind of small
Would you find him at the zoo?
No - he's the alien who lives at number 42!