
What can beat the special thrill of jumping into puddles?
It excites me
It delights me
Though it does land me in trouble

I like to get
Others wet
It's great fun bursting bubbles
But what can beat the special thrill of jumping into puddles?

Nothing tops me stamping hard upon on the flooded ground
Then spraying pints of puddle muck everywhere around
Drenching people passing by when they least expect it
Not caring that their happy day is spoilt because I wrecked it

I love the splash
I love the splosh
I love the soggy sounds
Yes, nothing tops me stamping hard upon the flooded ground

Stomping in those pavement pools - it's simply the best
Though water flows through overclothes and to my pants and vest
Bouncing like a kangaroo
Till there's squelching in my shoe
I leap
I dive
I misbehave
I cause a mini tidal wave

Are you feeling sad or down
Gloomy or depressed?
Try stomping in those pavement pools - it's simply the best

Treading in those tiny lakes of rain is really cool
Though I'm 53 I'm not too old to act the fool

So I'll find the most gigantic puddle
That's what I plan to do
Now step aside
Run and hide
Or I'm gonna soak you

And you and you and you and you and you and you and you