Uncle Jim's an Elvis Impersonator

Uncle Jim’s an Elvis impersonator
He swivels and sways his hips
Singing every Elvis song
While curling his top lip
He knows the words he knows the tunes
Hound Dog, Teddy Bear and more
You’ll spot him in his Blue Suede Shoes
While dancing round the floor
Uncle Jim’s an Elvis impersonator
Thick sideburns, greased-back hair
He looks kind of cute in his shiny Elvis suit
And his Elvis underwear
He saw Elvis’ Graceland mansion
Stopped in Las Vegas too
The Elvis golden disc he bought
Hangs proudly in his loo
Uncle Jim’s an Elvis impersonator
He treats him like a god
Though doctors who examine Jim
Say that he’s very odd
The sign he’s fixed on his front door
Reads: `Welcome – Heartbreak Hotel’
You’ll get a burst of Love Me Tender
If you call and ring his bell
Uncle Jim’s an Elvis impersonator
He’s got the voice just right
“Thangyouverymuch” he says
While doing Elvis karaoke all night
For his forty-fifth birthday
He plans to change his name
He’ll then be Uncle Elvis
And that will sound quite strange
Uncle Jim’s an Elvis impersonator
Some say he lives in the past
But he says, “Holy smoke and saints alive
“I just want to make his legend last”
My Uncle says though Elvis has died
He lives on in his soul
So if you see Jim
Make his day and say to him
`Hey – aren’t you the King of Rock n Roll?”