My Chewy, Chewy, Chewing Gum

I can’t find my chewing gum
So chewing now is not much fun
I’ve asked my Dad and asked my Mum
But they can’t find my chewing gum
My chewy, chewy, chewing gum
I’ve checked my pockets and the floor
Checked it’s not stuck to my door
Can you give me one of yours?
‘Cause I can’t find my chewing gum
My chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewing gum
I’m so sad and broken-hearted
Since my chewing gum departed
Help me complete the search I’ve started
Won’t you find my chewing gum?
My chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewing gum
Have you seen it or have you?
Perhaps it’s squashed under your shoe?
I’d take the train to Timbuktu
If I could find my chewing gum
My chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewing gum
It’s kinda long and thin and pink
It could be floating in your drink
Or blocking up the kitchen sink
I wish I had my chewing gum
My chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewing gum
It could be flat, round like a ball
Or no particular shape at all
But if you find it do please call
8521 4638
And then we will be best of mates
If you found my chewing gum
My chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewy, chewing gum
My chewy, chewy, chewing gum